ब्राण्ड सुपर सोकोको नयाँ माक्सी-स्कुटर सीटी-३ (२०२२)
🇨🇳 २०२३ अगस्ट ३१ मोटरसाइकल पत्रकार द्वाराA high performance electric maxi-scooter by brand Super Soco from 🇨🇳 China.
Super Soco CT-3
- १८,००० वाट electric motor.
- १२५ किमी/घण्टा top speed.
- ०–५० किमी/घण्टा २.५ सेकेन्डमा.
- Advanced features such as front and rear sensing cameras, face recognition, NFC key and more.
- ABS and hydrolic suspension.
Super Soco CT-1 र CT-2
The same scooter is available with a ६,००० वाट electric motor and reduced features for a lower price.