बीएमडब्ल्युले CE ०२ सार्वजनिक गर्यो: सहरी गतिशीलताका लागि एक इलेक्ट्रिक मोपेड
🇩🇪 २०२३ अक्टोबर ११ मोटरसाइकल पत्रकार द्वाराA state of the art electric moped from brand BMW from 🇩🇪 Germany, in a cooperation with TVS Motor, one of the biggest motorcycle manufacturers in 🇮🇳 India.
- Available as moped (४,००० वाट) and light motorcycle (११,००० वाट).
- Fast acceleration: ०–४८.३ किमी/घण्टा ३ सेकेन्डमा.
- Many accessoires for personalization.